Web Designing
Course Description:
Our Web designing training course will help students to learn the skills necessary to become a web designing expert. After completing the course, you will be able to design web pages for both static and dynamic websites with latest technologies.
Our Web Designing Course at AIT Campus is designed as per the Industrial trends with 100% Job Assistance. We have a team of highly experienced professionals’ faculties with more than 12 years of experience in Web Designing and other related Technologies.
Our faculty members are fully aware of industry requirements and ready to deliver full-fledged and industrial based Web Designing Training to students across Bangladesh. We provide our students with a perfect platform to learn and explore the subject from corporate trainers & industry experts.
Course Highlights:
AIT Campus offers a wide range of courses to bring you up to speed on the latest trends and tools for the best web design. From Photoshop to UX design, AIT Campus has a web design course to help you get the most out of a website’s front end.
In this training program, we will cover the below topics:
▪ HTML: HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages. With HTML you can
create your own Website
▪ CSS 2.0 and 3.0 (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is the language we use to style an
HTML document. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed.
▪ JavaScript: JavaScript (JS) is a programming language that conforms to the
ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and
multi-paradigm. It has curly-bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based objectorientation, and first-class functions
▪ JQuery: JQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal
and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.
▪ HTML 5: HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on
the World Wide Web. It is the fifth and latest major version of HTML that is a World
Wide Web Consortium recommendation
▪ Bootstrap 5 (HTML, CSS, and JS Library): Bootstrap, the most popular front-end
framework built to design modern, responsive, and dynamic interfaces for professional
design web pages
▪ Web Hosting: Web hosting is an online service that enables you to publish your website
or web application on the Internet. When you sign up for a web hosting service, you
basically rent some space on a physical server where you can store all the files and data
necessary for your website to work properly
▪ What is HTML?
▪ What is a Web Browser?
▪ What are Versions of HTML?
▪ What can you Do with HTML?
▪ HTML Development Environments
▪ Writing Code with a Text Editor
• Review of HTML Elements
▪ Rules of Syntax
▪ Making your Code Readable
▪ Building a Document
▪ Using Colors
▪ Adding Color to your Page
▪ Using Headings
▪ Using Paragraphs
▪ Aligning Block-Level Elements
• Inserting Spaces and Line Breaks
▪ Displaying Preformatted Text
▪ Formatting with Inline Elements
▪ Controlling Fonts
▪ Introducing List Elements
▪ Creating Unordered Lists
▪ Creating Ordered Lists
▪ Nesting Lists
• What is an HTML Table?
▪ Building a Table
▪ Cell Padding and Cell Spacing
▪ Controlling Table and Cell Width ▪ Aligning a Table on the Page ▪ Aligning Tables and Text
▪ Controlling Table and Cell Width
▪ Aligning a Table on the Page
▪ Aligning Tables and Text
▪ Aligning a Table on the Page
▪ Aligning Tables and Text
▪ Aligning Table Data
▪ Spanning Columns and Rows
• Creating a Hyperlink
▪ Understanding and Using URLs
▪ Linking to a Web Document
▪ Linking to a Local Document
▪ Linking to Anchors
▪ Opening a New Browser Window
• Image Formats
▪ Inserting Inline Images
▪ Aligning Images
▪ Using Images to Anchor Links
▪ Sizing Images
▪ Using Transparent Images
▪ Using GIF Animation
• Forms and Controls
▪ Forms and Form Elements
▪ Form Actions, Form Methods, Form Design
▪ Laying out a page with HTML5
▪ Page Structure
▪ New HTML5 Structural Tags
▪ Page Simplification
• HTML 5 - How we got here?
▪ New Features of HTML5
▪ The HTML5 Semantic Element
▪ Current State of Browser Support
▪ The section Tag
▪ The article Tag
▪ The header Tag
▪ The Footer Tag
▪ Supported Media Types
▪ The audio Element
▪ The video Element
▪ New Input Types
▪ autocomplete
▪ novalidate
▪ required
▪ placeholder
▪ autofocus
▪ autocomplete
▪ form
▪ pattern
Introduction of CSS
• CSS Syntax
• CSS Comments
• CSS Types
▪ Inline
▪ Internal
▪ External
• CSS Selector
▪ ID
▪ Class
▪ Attribute
▪ Grouping
▪ Universal
• CSS Color
▪ RGB Value
▪ Hex Value
▪ Color Name
• Background
▪ background-color
▪ background-repeat
▪ background-attachement
▪ background position
▪ background-size
▪ background-image
• CSS Margin
▪ Margin-top
▪ Margin-bottom
▪ Margin-left
▪ Margin-Right
CSS Padding
▪ Padding -top
▪ Padding -bottom
▪ Padding -left
▪ Padding –Right
• Outline
▪ Outline-style
▪ Outline-color
▪ Outline Width
▪ Outline-Offset
▪ Outline Shorthand Property
• CSS Height and Width
• CSS Display properties
• CSS Position Properties
• CSS Overflow
• CSS Float and Clear
• Pseudo Class and Element
Introduction to CSS 3
▪ Border
▪ border-radius
• CSS Shadows
▪ Text-shadow
▪ Box-shadow
• Transitions
▪ transition
▪ transition-delay
▪ transition-duration
▪ transition-property
• 2D Transforms
▪ transform
▪ matrix ()
▪ translate (x, y)
▪ scale (x, y)
▪ rotate(angle)
▪ skew (x-angle, y-angle)
• Animations
▪ @keyframes
▪ animation
▪ animation-name
• Selectors
▪ CSS combinations
▪ Pseudo Elements
• Gradients
▪ Linear Gradients
▪ Radial Gradients
• User Interface
▪ resize
▪ box-sizing
▪ outline-offset
• CSS Filters
▪ Blur
▪ Opacity
• Media Query
▪ What is Responsive Web Design
▪ Intro to the Viewport
▪ The Viewport Tag
▪ Media Queries
▪ Tablet Styles
▪ Mobile Styles
▪ Making a Mobile Drop-down Menu
• Web Fonts
▪ @font-face
▪ font-family
▪ src
▪ font-stretch
▪ font-style
▪ font-weight
• Flexbox
▪ flex-grow
▪ flex-shrink
▪ flex-basis
▪ flex
▪ flex-wrap
▪ flex-direction
▪ flex-flow
▪ justify-content
▪ align-items
▪ order
Introduction to JavaScript
▪ Syntax
▪ Statements
▪ Comments
Enabling in various browsers Popup Boxes
▪ Alert
▪ Confirm
▪ Prompt
▪ Arithmetic
▪ Assignment
▪ Comparison
▪ Logical
▪ Relational
▪ Ternary
Conditional Statements
▪ If else
▪ if...else if...else
▪ nested if
▪ Switch
▪ Loops
▪ While
▪ do...while
▪ for
▪ for...in Statement
▪ Break
▪ Continue
▪ User-defined Functions
▪ Function Syntax
▪ Function with Arguments
▪ Returning Values from Functions
▪ Built-in Functions
▪ Introduction
▪ Mouse
▪ Events
▪ Keyboard Events
▪ Form Events
▪ Document/Window Events
Built-in Objects
▪ Number
▪ Strings
▪ Math
▪ Array
▪ Date
▪ Reg exp use in form validation
• Getting Started with jQuery
• Selecting Elements
• Manipulating the Page
• Traversing the DOM and Chaining
• Handling Events
• Enhancing with Animation Effects
• JQuery Hide/show
• jQuery toggle()
• jQuery Slide method
• jQuery Fade method
• jQuery stop()
• jQuery Callback and Chaining
• jQuery text(),html() and val()
• jQuery css()
• jQuery addClass(),removeClass(),toggleClass()
• jQuery Best Practices
• Introduction
▪ Introduction of Bootstrap
▪ What needs for Bootstrap
▪ Our First Web Page
▪ What's Inside?
▪ Scripts and Styles
▪ Bootstrap CDN Link
▪ Summary
• Layout with Bootstrap
▪ Introduction
▪ Grid Layouts
▪ Simple Layout
▪ Fixed Grids
▪ Responsive Design
▪ Responsive Utilities
▪ Summary
• Everyday Bootstrap
▪ Introduction
▪ Typography
▪ Tables
▪ Forms
▪ Buttons
▪ Images and Icons
▪ Summary
• Bootstrap Component
▪ Introductions
▪ Drop down Menu
▪ Buttons with Menus
▪ Tabs and Pill
▪ The Navbars
▪ Badges
▪ Summary
• Bootstrap and JavaScript
▪ Introduction
▪ More Buttons
▪ Modals
▪ Tooltips and Popovers
▪ Carousel
▪ Summary
• Fundamental of Web Hosting
• Types of Hosting Packages
• Linux and Windows Control Panel
• Using FTP Client
• Maintaining a Website
• Domain Names Registration
• What is SEO & its scope.
• Keyword Research and Analysis (Tools and Implementation)
• Website Analysis
• Website Performance Monitoring
• Google Analytics/Webmaster
• XML Sitemap
• Use of Meta Tags

Choton Chandra Dash
InstructorContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin
- Duration 3 month
- Price 10000 BDT